Natia Lemay
Region: Northeast
There is difficulty in representing a historical and cultural position in space
and time that’s constructed from remnants of the past and traumas inherited
from previous generations. I often find myself within an unresolved struggle
between the social and psychological.
I use the idea of home to think about the complexity of this space. Through
entirely black backgrounds, the past comes to dwell within a house.
Influences of class, gender, race, and ethnicity help construct a dwelling,
weaving one out of a thousand stories, objects, feelings, and memories.
Within these black paintings, objectivity and subjectivity can be played with,
and black is seen not just as a color but as a condition—one at once hypervisible
and yet invisible. This condition allows for the dual legibility of the
work; as conditions—such as lighting or proximity to the viewer—shift, the
work metamorphoses. These black paintings require the viewer to be patient,
to find comfort and discomfort in the slow composition of a spatial and
temporal world.