Michael Kellner
My current work focuses on my utopian places. The word “utopia” demonstrates two meanings at once: literally “no place” and “good place.” By acknowledging the word’s multiple meanings, I want the viewer to recognize the layers that exist below the surface of everything.
My subject matter is based on places where I have vacationed or lived. I build imagery focusing on these places with the end result attempting to be as sparse or dense as the memory associated with my time in that space. As an artist, my goal has been to merge a visual aesthetic with a concept. In these images, materials are chosen for their use in art, architecture, and construction. Conscious consideration is given to the traditional elements and principles of design while allowing rules to be bent by the whims of my subconscious.
I want the viewer to notice the layers of information and discover new details the longer they look. Ultimately the viewer’s interaction with a piece becomes their own memory, repeating the cycle, with details remembered or discarded.