Mayumi Nakao
Region: Northeast
City / State: Brooklyn , NY
My work concept is about family and friendship, and it emerged from a very
good place. A friend of mine in New York City, who is from Ghana showed me
their family photos from back in the day. I was immediately drawn to those of
his family enjoying their time together in America. These captured moments
touched my heart—so much so that I wanted to paint them on canvas.
When I first saw the photos a few years ago, they made me think about my
own family back in Japan; about the good times and the bond we all still
share. The experience elicited intense feelings of nostalgia.
I wanted my work to focus on different cultures and races as a way of
cultivating humanity and spreading love. I thought about the different
generations represented in my friend’s photos and aimed to tap into
our common memory through paintings that are strongly present, and
simultaneously, doorways to our shared past.