Matt Momchilov
Gallery Affiliations: Unspeakable Projects
Region: Pacific Coast
City / State: Los Angeles, CA
In 1988, Geraldo Rivera’s special investigative TV report
“Exposing Satans Underground” first aired. Blurred faces, expert
witnesses, and terrified parents paint a picture of a world where
fans of heavy metal music, biker gangs, drug dealers, queers,
murderers, child molesters, and practitioners of virtually all
pagan and occult religions are byproducts of a growing satanic
conspiracy. Time has exposed these allegations as fraudulent,
but much of the fearmongering seeped into the public imaginary
unchallenged, providing a dangerous platform on which
modern-day witch hunts against nonconformity could play out in
towns across America.
This project reimagines this time through the lens of Rivera’s scare
tactics—bringing to life the fictitious characters and situations he
convinced America were real. It functions as a meditation on the
role that new forms of media play in the production of cultural
misunderstanding, and the shifting nature of what we define as
“evil.” Is the passing of time the only way we can understand that
our enemies are self-created?