Margery Amdur
Region: Northeast
City / State: Philadelphia, PA
My latest body of work, Amass, crosses the boundary between
sculpture and painting. It speaks many languages, and is as much
about the tactile as it is about the visual. Geometrically shaped
cosmetic sponges comprise sensuous otherworldly landscapes.
I gather and arrange individual units saturated with soft
pastel pigment. I then glue to canvas thousands of these small
commercially manufactured pieces, which, though they appear to
be rigid, actually yield to the touch of one’s hand.
Behind the veil of the everyday is an obsessive need to create.
This new body of work, a fresh take on older concerns, maintains
my commitment to simple building techniques and commonplace
materials. I purposefully work low tech in a high-tech world. My
work blurs the border between art and craft, and engages collage,
assemblage, drawing, textiles, and public art. What knits it all
together is that I am a painter using materials in a sculptural way,
asking materials to become form and mass. My work is baroque—
embellishment and detail collaborate to create extravagant and
ornate surfaces.