Maggie Ellis
Region: Northeast
City / State: New York, NY
Referencing 16th century Northern European painters Bruegel and Bosch,
I depict compositions that are filled with people in the city. These works
contain both of the artists’ trademark humor and horror—without the
dragons. I create a sense of high speed and energy by using line, psychedelic
color, and light, all of which function together to draw the viewer into the
collective mood.
The figures in my work are born from fleeting moments of observation that
I experience while walking in New York City. Pulling specific details from
memory and utilizing a variety of painting techniques, I paint each figure
uniquely, while simultaneously considering the inner psyche of the individual
and their own experiences. Living in the city means much of one’s life occurs
in public—the only privacy is in one’s thoughts. I use painting as a vehicle to
capture those private, inner spaces and feelings that are often only visible
on the face.