Lindy Cook

Region: South

City / State: Conway, AR

 My most fond memories of growing up are the quiet ones. As I recall these memories, I not only think of the moment but of the environment in which they occurred: how the evening sun settles in patterns, the way light filters through sheets, and curtains being blown by a breeze. Each moment is characterized by its ambience, and I have always been fascinated by light and how it interacts with different objects and colors.

I love to paint fabric—its movements, how sunlight shines through it, and the way folds and shadows can create all new colors and patterns. When I am feeling nostalgic, I find myself thinking about the textures of my childhood: the blanket forts I would construct, sheets hanging on the clothesline, and playing with shadows and shapes on tented blankets. My childhood memories are dominated by these small and seemingly insignificant moments, but they are the driving force of my artwork.