Lin Wen-Ben
Region: West
As an artist, I am invested in experimental mark-making. Pushing
beyond the abstract-expressionist tendency to create stylistic
practices in a relative cultural vacuum, I instead embrace cultural
signifiers and props that can play into painterly expression.
Juxtapositions of base materials in final paintings can question
the cultural assumptions of these objects, or props, and
simultaneously transfigure their original meaning.
In my performance and painting The Martial Artist, I performed a
caricature of my Eastern identity, utilizing nunchucks to create
an abstract painting of black gesso paint on canvas. In another
piece, The Head Banger, I created a similar but distinct painting
out of different cultural materials and an almost genre-like
understanding of identity. I donned a wig and dipped its strands
into black paint, headbanging against a canvas while someone
played guitar riffs behind me. I am as interested in the process
and my conceptual satisfaction in the performance as in the
mark-making it creates or as an expression in its own right.