Kevin Arnold
We the people of the United States of America, in order to
dismantle a more perfect Union, have elected an incompetent
charlatan, a failed businessman, a narcissistic gluttonous
orange buffoon who speaks in a dialect of sound bites, tweets
intolerance, bigotry, fear, ignorance, and persecution of all
who oppose his points of view.
We watched as truth and reason were allocated to a
sycophantic news media that manufactured consent,
reveled in sensationalism, and fueled his rise to power.
Now, as our general welfare is being sold in a market
that values profit over the wellbeing of its people and the
environment, domestic tranquility is being undermined
by factions of evangelicals who preach a new sermon of
hate, greed, pride, and opposition to the blessings of Liberty
deserved by all humankind. We the people will never forget
these atrocities. We the people will never succumb to the
tyranny of this self-serving regime.