Katherine McCullough
Region: Midwest
I create paintings that reflect the ephemerality of spatial experience through large-scale installations and smaller two-dimensional paintings. Through my work, I poetically and carefully construct microcosms of my experience in the world. I collect found marks and forms, which I mold and touch to function anew in the context of my paintings.
I share my experience of the physical world through material collection and alteration. I accumulate materials based on my physical attraction to them, and sift through their denotative and connotative meanings as I modify each. While some elements of the work are handmade, others are manufactured-handmade, meaning they follow a found form or shape and are made with the help of a mechanical device, such as a stencil, hard edge, or machine, but were at one point in contact with my hand. Through play and experimentation, I am able to explore various formal issues such as depth, flatness, transparency, opacity, gravity and balance.