Kate Petley
Gallery Affiliations: Turner Carroll Gallery, Robischon Gallery
Region: West
Website: http://www.katepetley.com
City / State: Longmont, CO
Marked by luminous color and contrasting rough materials,
my work demonstrates a process-driven sense of materiality.
Illusion, color, and form combine in reference to physical and
psychological space. Because my paintings originate with
a photographed sculpture/collage, a connection to threedimensional
reality is unavoidable. The initial images are made
entirely in-camera without computer alteration. Returning
to paint on the surface breaks down the artificial boundaries
between mediums. Conceptually, I regard them as paintings from
the beginning.
Perception is jerked back and forth as the viewer resolves the
image. I’m looking for an experiential presence, an awkward
rhythm that is almost tender.