Justin J. Smith
The American Dream idealizes home ownership as an identifying
component of ascent to the middle class. But the maxim “There’s
no place like home” illuminates the importance of home not as
a symbol but as a feeling. My caravans reflect the notion that
wherever you travel or move to, there is the possibility of finding
the safety and comfort of home. The anti-aesthetic, somewhat
crude characteristics of my paintings reflect specific experiences
and identities of my family, which transcend time and location.
From Akron, Ohio, to Los Angeles, California, dead or alive, we
are bound together in a common desire. I approach the work with
confident, direct brushstrokes and focus on the application of
the paint, with minimal paint mixing. The use of color represents
the power of familial identity. The painting establishes a simple
relationship with the viewer, eliciting a calm curiosity. The images
arouse an intriguing sense of security while maintaining an
illusive separateness.