Julia Hickey
My paintings are not preconceived and have no explicit meaning.
Rather, they emerge from an intuitive and contingent working
process. I attempt to discover what it takes for an abstract
picture to transcend the tyrannies of design and the bromides
of gesturalism. I am searching for the moment when a peculiar
and satisfying internal logic emerges. The intersection of illusion
and abstraction is a rich place to operate, where spatial clues,
shadows, and color transparencies define invented forms. Fabric
layers and cut-outs create a collage-like surface in which
foreground and background are constantly switched and recoded.
Both anxiety and play infuse the process, which often culminates
in a kind of fixed visual overload. I want to allow multiple,
contradictory readings of the images, thus isolating the difficulty
and pleasure of extended looking. Ultimately, the paintings
serve as mute memorials to experiences we cannot fully recall
or comprehend.