Joshua Huyser
This body of work began as way for me to process, through
visual means, certain aspects of my life as the father of a child
with special needs. While the experience of raising my boy has
been incredibly enlightening and joyful, self-doubt and concerns
about the future have also been present in my journey as a parent.
Initially, this series portrayed narratives describing personal
situations—metaphorical self-portraits, if you will. However,
this subject eventually became less personal and more about
the universal uncertainty of the quietly powerful moments that
hover over the boundary that separates feelings of safety and
danger, preparedness and ineptitude, success and failure, or even
anxiety and quiet comfort. Objects isolated in bleak, austere, and
nearly unintelligible atmospheric settings make it possible for
light, color, and form to come together to create oddly meditative
abstract visages in a manner similar to tantric art. Yet in reality
these moments can be frightening life-or-death situations. This
particular rub holds my interest.