Jon Suit
My recent work explores how primary elements (line, shape,
color) may be manipulated to provide an impetus for personal
analogy. Often, there is an insinuation of symbolism in the work.
The suggestion of a symbol-like image or icon elicits viewers’
personal, subjective conceptualizations of potential meanings
within the perceived “work of art.” Using a reductive visual
language, I emphasize formal and material relationships, thus
foregrounding the tangible, physical object against the more
elusive, intangible dialogue occurring between an active viewer
and the objective image.
As I work, I face a conflict between my fondness for traditional
painting and the demand for a more contemporary, interactive
experience. I will continue to examine ties between the art
world and the rest of society, evaluating how “art” is conceived,
manufactured, consumed, and accepted by the artist, viewer, and
user, all of them occupying shifting roles of subject and object.