Jessica Wohl
Region: South
Over the past few years, I’ve felt optimistic about the turning
tide in this country regarding the visibility of civil rights issues,
such as marriage equality and civic engagement, and a younger,
empowered generation. However, I am also afraid, angered
and horrified by insurmountable insensitivity, dishonesty, gun
violence, greed, police brutality, and political polarization. These
quilts are my attempt at reconciling this internal conflict, as they
offer protection, warmth, and comfort to those who seek respite
from anger and despair.
Redlining, gerrymandering, imprisonment, fear, and systemic
racism divide communities with visible and invisible barriers.
Mimicking and recalling these barriers, I use abstractions of
fences, gates, hedges, and other structures to separate the viewer
from something lovely yet inaccessible, beyond their reach.
By definition a quilt is an object that unifies disparate pieces.
The fabrics in this work have been found or purchased from
thrift stores and yard sales across the country. They are handme-
downs, throwaways—stained, smelly, loved, discarded, and
Someone Else’s. Like the composition of our country, they are
“others” made into one.