Jarvis Boyland
Region: Midwest
I explore the complexities of both Blackness and queerness, and
the ways their intersection has shaped me. My themes stem from
highly charged and disjointed emotions as I come to terms with
self-identity and unpack my feelings toward men. The process of
rejecting my Southern, conservative, and religious upbringing has
shaped the evolution of my practice.
My portraiture navigates black identity—situated between racism
in queer communities and homophobia and heterosexism in
Black communities. I am interested in the domestic space as the
foundation of social ideologies. I emphasize the idealization of
intimacy and the nuances of depicting men who simultaneously
show confidence, charisma, apprehension, and insecurity within
these secluded spaces. Based on photographs, my paintings are
embedded with complex sentiments, memories, and essence.
The figures and objects that inform my compositions become
abstracted in the transcription of information, a correspondence
between two mediums that, for me, expresses the awkwardness
and discomfort felt in fond and deeply intimate relationships.