Jacob Heustis
Region: South
I was wandering through a refurbished bed-and-breakfast
in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. I was ten years old. The building,
formerly Daughters College, had been a nineteenth-century
finishing school for girls. As I explored the bedrooms that were
once dormitories, I noticed that the windowpanes had random
dates scratched into the glass, along with names of students,
suitors, and other scribbled sentiments. Later, I learned that
long ago, these young, upper-class women had engraved
this graffiti with their diamond rings. My fascination with this
accidental discovery led me to explore the rites and rituals of
high society and the value of personal possessions through the
act of defacing a pristine surface with a precious object.
For the Debutantes series, I engrave the portraits and histories
of famous American heiresses onto glass mirrors using a
diamond ring. In these works, I’m interested in exploring
perceptions of value, class systems, vanity, desire, and the
nature of art and aesthetics within a contemporary context.