Jack Balas
Gallery Affiliations: Robischon Gallery, James Kelly Contemporary
Region: West
Website: https://www.JackBalas.com
City / State: Denver, CO
For years, my paintings have deployed a type of male figure one
writer dubbed “St. Beach Boy,” but who, as another wrote, is
just along for the ride while I try to put him to work, hopefully
engaging themes that can be considered universal. I think of him
as Everyman, my Muse, and much like a stem cell—malleable,
hardworking, and eager to please, animating a mix of styles and
iconographies that can be considered, like him, beautiful. In the
past couple of years, I have brought storyboards and abstraction
into play. Overall, I consider the work a map or document or
testimony—of life, the intersection of unlikely circumstances, and
the layering of past and present. I keep asking myself how art
can be relevant to anyone in our world today, but if you can lead
viewers to make the leap between the circumstances of these
artworks and the circumstances of their own lives, that’s when
you’re onto some answers that count.