Hooper Turner
Gallery Affiliations: Frosch + Portmann, Skidmore Contemporary
Region: Northeast
Website: http://hooperturner.com
City / State: Queens, NY
How are images embodied in our world, and to what purpose?
A painting may live in a museum, but its image on a book jacket
might legitimize the high-culture pretensions of the writing
contained therein, or a digital image may get posted online to
claim particular social significance. Today, reproductions are
sited in a multitude of contexts, many unthinkable when Walter
Benjamin wrote his famous essay on mechanical reproduction.
My paintings reframe images that already have (sometimes
multiple) purposes in the world, demonstrating a Benjaminian
reversal in which the reproduced image becomes singular and
unique. I prefer to paint images that already exist, in places
from lifestyle websites to advertisements, because what I
find is infinitely more interesting to me than the things I make
up. Although the paintings are unique, they paradoxically give
the image a generous plurality of meaning, freeing it from its
specificity as social signifier, marketing strategy, or document.
Often, the image becomes more mysterious, owing to the old,
weird craft of oil painting and its heavy load of baggage.