Holly Cahill
Region: Midwest
Process, the way work is created, is crucial to my paintings, which
operate in the way a puzzle is solved. Through a process-oriented
methodology I arrive at a very specific quality. By solving these
unpremeditated puzzles, I create form.
I draw inspiration from the spaces we inhabit within our shared
environment. Rather than referencing any one place, the visual
seams and illuminated marks in my work point to patterns drawn
from architecture and building construction. One architectural
form I return to often is the portal. I am fascinated by the idea of a
portal as defined—in science fiction as well as architecture—as a
device that enables the body’s passage from one space to another.
The marrying of the concept of a threshold that can bend rules of
time and space with its more mundane counterpart in physical
reality creates a space where we can consider the possibilities of
things beyond our comprehension that relate to what is in front
of our eyes.