Henry Gabriel Anker
Region: MFA Annual
My paintings are abstract allegorical landscapes of interwoven
visual and narrative symbols. These symbols do not function as
citational didactics but as enigmatic narrative projections. With
each painting pointing back to the ones that preceded it, I am
in conversation with the past. I mine utopian theory for inquiries
into alchemy, movement, gender, and color:
–Ernst Bloch’s pitcher with “alchemical eyes of a forest spirit”
–Ivan Chtcheglov’s Situationist house, its movements
corresponding to natural, celestial patterns
–Charles Fourier’s queer future of androgynous plants and
lovesick philosophers bathing under a six-moon sky
–Walter Benjamin’s dreamed rainbow of unseen colors They vibrate and hum in an airy landscape made by a frenetic hand.
–Ivan Chtcheglov’s Situationist house, its movements
corresponding to natural, celestial patterns
–Charles Fourier’s queer future of androgynous plants and
lovesick philosophers bathing under a six-moon sky
–Walter Benjamin’s dreamed rainbow of unseen colors They vibrate and hum in an airy landscape made by a frenetic hand.