Heather den Uijl
My work utilizes the visual rhetoric found in everyday packaging
for toys and junk food. I borrow and distill basic visual elements
such as color, font type, and composition from these sources
and merge them with processes and influences from other
painting traditions such as pop art and color field painting. The
work functions independently as hybrid environments where
distillation, flattening, and fragmentation help them resist a
sense of closure, while also creating familiarity and the promise of
interpretation. Through the use of basic familiar design elements
such as circles, polygons, stripes, and color relationships that feel
purposeful, the work creates spaces that are carefully layered,
interwoven, and suggestive of both deep illusory space and
flattened graphic space.
There is an invitation to participate in the visual games of painting,
familiarity, and expectation; to grapple with contemporary visual
information but never be able to pinpoint its exact source. This
resistance to an overarching explanation or conclusion allows the
work to be openended and oblique, leaving room for interpretation,
speculation, and curiosity.