Hamlett Dobbins
Gallery Affiliations: David Lusk Gallery
Region: South
In our everyday lives, there are times when we are gripped with a
whole-body pleasure, a spine-thrill of delight, when time seems
to slow and we are hyper-present. I am trying to understand what
it is about these extraordinary experiences in real life, moments
in stories or movies that move me so: the way Elwood P. Dowd
says “And the evening wore on” in Harvey . . .the recording of my
father’s voice telling “The Story of the Rose” . . . the way the light
falls on my little girl’s hair . . . All these moments have the impact
of something pure and raw. Since 2002, my paintings have focused
on experiences with particular friends or family members.
Because each painting is based on a specific exchange, it tends
to have its own set of parameters and challenges. I use painting
to focus on and wrap myself in these moments. By building the
experience, I begin to understand what about it moved me to paint
in the first place.