Eunjung Park
I begin my work by repeating simple units. I use this repetition
and the transformation of units across successive repetitions as
a strategy to build larger structures. I work to understand the
symbolic potential held by these larger structures and by the
relationship of those structures to their constitutive units.
To create a unit, I abstract forms I find in my everyday life—
such as parts of the body or of architectural interiors—and then
combine them into new forms. The resulting forms reference
multiple sources, but do not depict any of them directly. I try to
both gesture toward and withhold a recognizable subject.
Having found such a unit, I distort and repeat it multiple times
to create the overall shape of my work. I then use a number of
devices to investigate this structure—sewing raised, pillowed
areas; cutting out hollow areas; and adding surface texture and
color in paint and fabric.