Dylan Languell
Region: South
City / State: Chicago, IL
In my practice, I explore accessible materials, primarily from
the domestic context, by reimagining the ways in which they
are commonly used as consumer products: I use house paint
mostly through it's disposal. As a result, I began to consider our
larger relationship to material consumption and the incontinent
exchange we forge in this relationship. I am driven by the potential
of this material to transform into an art object.
My process is non-methodological; it relies equally on intuition
and experimentation. Recycled paint is broken down by thermal
manipulation—either heat or frost—and molded into new forms.
Because it is important that my engagement with material is freed
from informed formulas, my process continually shifts based
on the emerging results. Paint is treated as a tailored material,
a foundation for both architecture and textile. I am interested
in creating a visual language with mistinted house paint that
problematizes and strengthens the viewer’s perceptions and
associations with these materials.