David Bailin
As an artist who witnessed the waning of my father’s personhood
through the dissolution of his memory, I wrestled with conveying
the devastating personal and human experience of this loss
without relying on visual clichés. The final image in my drawings is
largely the result of the pentimenti that have moved the narrative
along, without resolving it. Sometimes, the layers of earlier
drawings overpower the last, like quicksand under a surface of
marks and erasures.
These unresolved drawings were the visual and technical cues for
the series Erasing. The frustration of trying to define what was
unformed yet intimated by what appeared earlier—the backand-
forth process of drawing in and erasing out, having an idea
or image reveal itself one minute only to fall back into obscurity
the next—mimicked what I saw happen to my father in his heroic
effort to recognize in the present moment his own narrative. The
work presented here is the result of my final collaboration with
my father. As with his memories, only the ghosts are left.