Region: Northeast
I use painting to exploit the capacity of color to feel synthetic
and corrosive: to turn houses into industrialized plastic, and
neighborhoods into fields of vinyl. Color impulses are often
fleeting. I am forced to wait in order to find relationships that
contain a cultural referent, symbolism, and narrative—a vibration
where a single candy color may render the next as acid and turn
the space to plastic.
Here, suburban neighbors are barely visible beyond the borders
and fences that surround them. Each backyard is a sovereign
state. The only outside source of information comes through
a filtered, mediated, and neutralized digital translation; the
privilege of seclusion made visible. In this space, acidic high
cadmium extends, tarnishes, and contaminates. Grass becomes
enflamed as the sky turns into a gray-green mass. I create
artificial conditions that resist and antagonize conventional
representations of Americana.