Caitlin Albritton
The gym is a place where everyday antics—sexuality,
competitiveness (within and between the sexes), ego, and
primal behaviors—are amplified in a stagelike environment
where there is a hyperawareness of bodies in a public space.
Engaging the politics of looking through both male and female
gazes, we sneak glimpses of others in mirrors and through
makeshift windows in gym equipment.
Instead of idealizing the body, I’m interested in exemplifying its
strangeness, as well as the peculiarity of certain gym exercises
and the awkward, compromising, sometimes sexual positions
they put people in.
Most people have entered a gym at least once in their lives,
or have goals to promote their own health and live longer,
happier lives. Telling gym stories through serious yet comical
visual narratives, I hope to bring up conversation about
gender issues, body politics and trends, competition, and the
propaganda of progress in other spheres of our lives.