Brianna Gluszak
Region: MFA Annual
Through shape, colour, and scale, the objects I make suggest specific gendered traits and circumstances, playing off the viewers implicit biases and perception of gender. The long stretched out forms of glass reference dominance, power, and erection, while painting and textiles evoke softness, warmth, comfort, and figurative curves. They evoke a seductive relationship that cross contaminates the gendered fields of textiles and glass blowing with a play between hard material and soft curves.
The forms in the rugs act as stand-ins for our bodies in space. They navigate the composition in relation to each other and the overall form of the rug. The figures blend into one another as others are emerging out. The background pushes past the figures, an attempt to escape or enlarge the room. We can gain a sense of how these figures relate themselves to one another and the space that contains them.