Barbara Campbell Thomas
Region: South
I gather the pieces of my paintings through a series of habitual
1. I fill sketchbooks with quick line drawings of words, objects,
and patterns. I make the drawings while attending to tasks like
making dinner, giving my son a bath, or writing a syllabus.
2. I tear off the front panels of cereal boxes, six-pack containers,
and old birthday cards to use as material for an ongoing series of
small, fast, early morning collages—my daily visual calisthenics.
3. I stockpile worn-out clothing and sheets from the local Salvation
Army, cloth that had a practical function in an earlier state of use.
I carry the drawings, collages, and fabric from my home to
my studio, where I make methodical arrangements on white,
gessoed canvas. Slow, attenuated brushstrokes, snipped pieces
of textile, and painted shapes originating in sources as disparate
as food packaging board, children’s drawings, and historical quilt
patterns combine to create a language of vernacular abstraction.