Annette Hur
I create work from the perspective of a first-generation Asian
minority and a female living in a foreign environment who
struggles daily with the decision to assimilate or stand alone.
Forced femininity has shaped my mind and body, gestures and
expressions, language and behavior, and more. My paintings use
the dualism of the human body to investigate these perspectives.
The female body as an emotive object has long carried the dual
symbolism of restraint and violation (abuse), simultaneously
hiding and revealing. Playing with these binaries, I explore and
question the formerly gendered languages that are embedded in
our bodies, minds, and identities.
In my work, female subjects are situated in a potentially narrative realm that suggests emotions checked and femininity reinterpreted through seduction and obstruction. Using layers of geometric shapes, simplified forms, and lines to deconstruct the traditional picture plane, I reinforce power relations between my figures and the structures around them. The process of creating a visual field of distortion and spatial disorder echoes the fractured history of my land, my psyche, and, to some extent, my identities.