Anna Teiche
Patterns migrate off of their native fabrics, forming incomplete
and overlapping narratives as they recombine, fluidly creating
new motifs. Body parts are deceptively recombined to create
impossible figures that slowly reveal themselves out of chaotic
folds of fabric. My painting process becomes an intricate puzzle,
combining the layering of patterns with an illusion of shallow yet
palpable depth. I am influenced by modernist formal reduction and
studies of geometry. I collapse figure and ground, abstracting my
images into geometric angles, lines, and shapes with occasional
moments of defined rendering. In contrast to my reductive
influences, I often use dramatic poses and lighting drawn from
Baroque and early impressionist painters, creating chaotic
images of moving patterns, clashing colors, and entangled limbs.
Drawn to figurative painting by the human connection of working
with models, I bring others’ stories and identities into my practice
with a voyeuristic sense of curiosity.