Andrew Hendrixson
Region: South
City / State: Durham , NC
In my work I seek to articulate distinctions between habit and ritual—the frivolity of the former countered by the intentionality of the latter.
The paintings are made from the dense comingling of paint and hand-sewn remnant fabric. In the finished work, as well as the practice by which it is made, I wish to give credence to inefficiency and labor intensiveness, and to elevate these notions by pursuing them with a purposiveness that bears the gravity of ritual.
It is my hope that rigorous intentionality can give meaning to the most banal of daily tasks, that my life need not participate in the binary of “important days” on one hand and the “commonplace days” on the other. I hope to show that, in the right light, poetry inhabits the mundane and the commonplace is full of consequence.