Amy Green
Region: Pacific Coast
I’m an abstract painter engaged in a process with materials. I use
readymade felt, urethane, and industrial pigments, which I work
on simultaneously and build up into stacks. Experimentation
and impulse are at the center of my studio practice. Multiple
layers are recycled over time, covered over, cut, and restored. My
process has the complexity of sifting through time, generating
and regenerating a language that is alive today, yet carries
whispers of past painting languages.
One thread in my work is the overlap between painting and
sculptural surfaces. I soak and pour industrial materials onto
the surface of fabrics and felt, acting in response to how the
pigments push through the fibers and collect creases, folds,
fissures, and textures. I often embed my paintings within the
architecture, affixing them to ceilings, beams, doorways, and
ledges, changing the viewer’s relationship to the objects and
the environment.