Amy Boone-McCreesh
Gallery Affiliations: Hamiltonian Gallery
Region: South
City / State: Baltimore, MD
I created this body of work on paper using my own past works
as a visual vocabulary. Through collage and a variety of mixedmedia
processes, the past elements combine with new
compositions to create a visual experience that is both cyclical
and unifying. Digital processes clash with the handmade in my
effort to simultaneously reference myself and create a dynamic
personal aesthetic. There is an awareness of power removed
and gained when an image becomes divorced from its origin,
and then changed beyond recognition. The recycled imagery
appears in both a digital and physical way, leaving the viewer
unaware of the source while at the same time producing a new
visual language. The result is a temple to visual excess: a colorful,
maximal experience. In my use of vinyl and wall painting I allude
to the world beyond the picture plane and expand the visual