Allison Gray
I create situations that question the specifics of time, place,
and orientation in order to mimic an experience of dissociation.
To create these situations, I collect endangered fruits that
are threatened by industrial farming. Recent species include
the Roxbury Russet apple and pawpaw. I encase the organic
fruit matter in resin with found plastic materials. This process
mirrors natural forms of preservation and also alludes to the
geologic processes that characterize the Anthropocene. The
fruit’s moisture reacts with the urethane resin, causing bubbles,
foaming, and deterioration. As the sculptures harden, these
reactions create otherworldly environments.
Using materials like tape, glue, and paper, I insert these resin
specimens into still lifes to create scenes resembling apocalyptic
landscapes. Painting these still lifes from observation simulates
a scientific study of nature and points to moments of truth, both
drawing on the symbolism of historical still lifes and conjuring
questions about death, decay, artificiality, and human alteration
of the landscape.