Aliza Lelah
Region: Northeast
Aliza Lelah was born in 1982 and grew up just outside of Chicago. She attended the University of Vermont where she majored in Studio Art. She went on to receive an MFA in Painting from Savannah College of Art and Design in 2007, and now maintains a studio in Washington DC. She shows her work regionally, nationally, and internationally.
The reinvention and recreation of remembered imagery is made present through recycled fabric, my pigment, and stitching, my binding medium.In my work time is a non-linear event which is given life by both the figurative images derived from collected photographs, and captured memories of past events from my own childhood. Stories blossom from this relationship.
Old photographs reveal evidence of a past presence. They are records of historical details once a part of everyday life that are visually lost without their recovery in the snapshots. The worn fabrics belong to the same language of experience, exposing the value of memory for the present, in layers of existence.
This work investigates the transformation from contemporary society into tangible recollections. The transcription from time into space and in time from past into present recalls the treasury of remembrance.