Alison OK Frost
Region: Pacific Coast
I paint watercolor scenes composed of “found” images from news
sources, old magazines, snapshots, and movie stills. The imagery
I paint reflects a shared global experience of humanity’s war on
itself and its powerlessness against the forces of nature. Because
watercolor is often associated with picturesque landscapes, it is
an incongruous medium for portrayal of these dystopic scenes.
The subject matter often deals with the intersection of humans
and their environs. Much of my imagery is derived from military
uniforms and outposts: I am drawn to the way uniforms and
disguises can unburden the wearer of his/her humanity.
I am attracted to the monstrous/humorous appearance of masks
and suits worn to keep people safe from their environment. My
paintings highlight a resistance to the logical outgrowth of our
destructive tendencies, while shedding light on the vulnerability
that lies behind these impulses.