Ali Cavanaugh
Gallery Affiliations: Gold Gallery, Sarah Bain Gallery, Tinney Contemporary, Robert Lange Studios, L Ross Gallery, GF Contemporary, Wally Workman Gallery
Region: Midwest
My dependence on the visual world began when I lost much of my hearing through spinal meningitis at two years of age. This loss was a blessing in disguise as I learned to depend on body language and reading lips to communicate. So, from my youngest days, I became sensitive to the people around me and the unspoken language revealed through compositions of the human body.
I am moved to portray the human figure in two aspects: body and soul. The image of a young female figure reaches into a part of my past that contains an infinite collection of ideas and images for inspiration. My daughter and nieces help create the visual framework for an entry point into those memories.
I’m constantly in a state of awareness about the world, taking in the imagery, colors, and patterns that, to my eye, are compositions of settings and people. This keeps me in a place where my perception is enriched by each and every moment.