Alexis Hunter
I use sculpture, painting, performance, and social practice to constantly push myself to my limits to deliver bodies of work in their most honest and vulnerable state. My current project, HAVEN’T I GIVEN ENOUGH???!!, challenges the policing of women’s bodies under the patriarchy and the misogynistic history of the world. HAVEN’T I GIVEN ENOUGH??!! is informed by several factors, one of them being my lifelong insecurities about my body and how I see that experience intersect with social constructs like Western beauty standards and fatphobia.
My inspiration and references range from texts like Karis Campion’s “‘You think you’re Black?’: Exploring Black mixed-race experiences of Black rejection,” in Ethnic and Racial Studies, to the technique and concepts of biracial contemporary artists making their own identity-based work, like Jennifer Ling Datchuk or Sasha Gordon.