Alexander Atkinson
Shards of found tile, figure studies, fine-art reproductions,
yesterday’s papers, life drawings, album covers, museum
drawings, a potted ivy, photos of friends passed, and a pile of
discarded wood—these are fragments of life. They are evidence
of a variety of experiences. They are guests arriving and slipping
away from a gathering. Sometimes they have urgent and
important things to say. Sometimes they are bores. Sometimes
they are loud; they argue and interrupt one another. Sometimes
they are wallflowers. But to listen to the conversation and remain
attentive to everyone’s point of view—to stay alive and awake so
that we may distinguish the true and relevant from the false and
complacent—is the job. This is the stuff of life, and we work in
the hope that we can truly, honestly understand ourselves, our
experiences, and our place within it all by listening, by looking.