Molly Briggs
Gallery Affiliations: Zg Gallery
Region: Midwest
I make paintings of the “drawings” and “paintings” that exist all
around us in the quotidian world, outside gallery walls. All my
work is about connecting visuality with the experience of urban
movement. Some paintings describe the view from the road,
including the formal specificity of trees, shrubs, and water. I
paint each graphic element from a projected photograph, taking
liberties with color, mark, and composition to develop a sense
of place that is at once literal and otherworldly. The color—
fluorescent red, pale blue, pale green, and silver—is chosen for
its optical effects, like simultaneous contrast and retinal fatigue,
which produce the illusion of depth.
Other works that appear to be examples of pure abstraction
are, in fact, precise tracings of landscape phenomena such as
tar patches on an asphalt highway photographed through the
windshield of a moving car. These too are the result of noticing the
marks and traces that compose the world.